Are High School Students Being Worked Too Hard?

    I have asked myself this question many times. Because in my personal experience I would say "yes," and the more I ponder this thought, the more I think that most high schoolers would answer this question by saying "yes." Why shouldn't we say yes? of course we feel like we're being worked too hard, we sit in a classroom for eight hours a day listening to people ramble about things that we've never even heard of. According to Child Mind Institute, 70% of teenagers are sleep deprived, which makes it much harder to function We spend hours at home memorizing, analyzing and working, it is infuriating. It's hard enough to be teenager, because you're facing the weight of the world, but are treated like a child. 

    Most of us would say we are being worked too hard, but the follow up question I pose to myself, is "will it be worth it?" Will the long hours, the lack of sleep, the confusion and the fatigue be worth it? I feel  teenagers would say very different things to this question. Some could see the light at the end of tunnel, other might feel more trapped and stuck in the present than others. For me, I can see the end of that tunnel, but others who receive the same amount of work could feel different. My point is that there are many factors that teenagers face that could effect there perception of the work load and the pressure. According to Newport Academy, 16% of students 12-17 are depressed, and that can't make things so much harder, and can effect quality of work. I also feel like adults can sometimes forgot that it's difficult figuring out yourself, and being under constant pressure doesn't help and sometimes there's an extra factor that can take a serious tole on one's self.

     If I'm being completely honest, I would say that less work is worth exploring. I would like to see schools experiment with a lighter work load, or schools giving more days off, or even schools allowing for more than five mental health days. I just would like the opportunity to see what would happen if students were allowed more freedom. On one hand I think students would have more time to be with themselves and loved ones, some might really benefit from having time off. But on the other hand, students could start to slack off, and not take anything seriously, which could greatly affect their future. But even though I can see the pros and cons of less work, I think it would definitely be beneficial to see what would happened if things were just a little less intense. 

    Furthermore, I encourage teachers, administrators and boards to recognize their students, what their going through and how they could possibly help. We as teenagers sometimes have trouble speaking up, or allowing for help, and I believe that if schools were just slightly more invested in their students that everyone might be little healthier and happier. Stress is something everyone experiences, but to be under constant stress is very different, and all I hope for is for there to be a little break in the storm. 


  1. This is a very interesting blog and topic to discuss. I like how you provided clear evidence to support your point, and how well developed your point was. However, you did not talk too much about whether it would be "worth it". You could provide a stronger argument by providing evidence on how successful people with high school diplomas are in life.


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